Enter your name email address to subscribe to the DadCrafted Newsletter!


So, why a newsletter? Well, the simple answer is I enjoy writing. Sure, I’m a maker, but I also like to write and get my thoughts down on paper, even if it’s virtual paper. I don’t see this as some marketing scheme to get more traffic to my website, but it does give me a more direct connection with the people that care about what I’m doing here. It gives me permission to send you something each week (or every other) directly into your inbox. And if you’re a fan, hopefully you’ll click the email every once in a while and see what’s going on in my world.


So, what am I going to write about? Not politics, that’s for certain. Since DadCrafted is a ‘making’ venture, I’ll primarily focus on making. Things I’ve been working on, things I have coming down the pipeline, and openly brainstorming ideas and looking for feedback. But aside from making, since I make so many geeky things, I will likely often delve into the various realms of geekdom. Expect to get my takes on all the new sci-fi and fantasy movies and shows that we have upcoming. I mean, I’m mostly doing this so I have another outlet to talk about Star Wars.


What else? I don’t intend to take Tim Ferris’s ‘Five Bullet Friday’ idea, but I often steal a lot of my best material, so I plan to include a ‘What I’m Into’ type of section. It’ll give me a chance to share my favorite YouTube videos I’ve watched recently, as well as tech news, and the music I’ve been listening to in the shop. Hopefully I’ll be able to share some interesting things that otherwise may have floated by your radar.


So get signed up! I am looking forward to the conversations! Let’s go!