A dad needs a place to make his crafts. Here are some creations designed to improve the dad shop.

French Cleat Wall
I moved, so I had to redo my french cleat wall in the shop!

French Cleat Tool Holders
I made a bunch of tool holders to get organized in the shop!

Star Wars Miter Saw Station
I built a miter saw station that is mobile, has dust collection, and looks like it came out of Star Wars!

Lumber Storage Cart
A rolling cart for the scrapwood that you're too stubborn to throw away.

Star Wars Speeder Bike Push Stick
I wanted a cooler push stick for making cuts on the table saw. And what's cooler than Star Wars?

Finishing my Workbench
Here's how I finished off my workbench by adding bench dog holes, a bottom shelf for storage, wheels, as well as a couple different colored stains and finish.

Scrap wood shelves for scrap wood
I needed shelving for my scrap wood, and I had plenty of scrap wood to use. There is nothing complicated about this. I just cut some wood into similar shapes and screwed them together with more wood.

Woodworking Workbench
The new centerpiece of my woodshop. And I built the entire thing for under $100.

Woodworking Mallets
Every dad needs a mallet to whack things into place. So I built a set.

Tablesaw Sled
I didn't own a tablesaw sled to make quick and easy 90 degree cuts. I also own a Craftsman tablesaw with non-standard slim slot runners. Here's how I solved both problems.

Air Compressor Cart
Air compressors are heavy. So I built a cart to easily wheel mine around the shop.