My brother has opened up a haunted trail on his property outside of Des Moines Iowa this fall, so something cool I thought I could do to help would be to make jack-o’-lanterns. But we would need a lot of jack-o’-lanterns! During the summer when you’re prepping for a haunted attraction, you can’t just buy pumpkins, and definitely not for cheap. So I was bound and determined to make my own. There wasn’t much about this project that was easy or cheap; but come and watch the pain and suffering as I attempt to make a couple hundred pumpkins!


Items Used:

Silicone Kit – 2 lbs

Mold Max 30 Gallon Size (this is probably the silicone I should have bought from the start)

Mold Release Spray

Black Nitrile Gloves

Hot Glue Gun

Great Stuff Foam (it’s cheapest to buy them 12 at a time from Lowe’s or Home Depot; Amazon is more expensive)

Tools used: Husky razor blade